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         A     D     V     E     N     T     U     R     E     S     tm  

\_.»               ODDWORLD ADVENTURES - Walkthrough / Codes               «._/

                           DATE:      14 / 01 / 1999
                           VERSION:   1.3
                           AUTHOR:    Argönaut 
                           EMAIL:     oddity@lis.net.au
                           WEBPAGE:   http://oddity.cjb.net

\_.»                               COPYRIGHT                               «._/

   This Walkthrough/FAQ may not in any form be reproduced without prior consent
of the author. If you want to use this Walkthrough/FAQ on or in your webpage/
magazine/book/disk/cd or any other means of distribution (other than for 
personal use only), please contact me first ( oddity@lis.net.au ).

   The only places to find this Walkthrough/FAQ are listed below:

         http://oddity.cjb.net (Official)
         http://www.gamefaqs.com (Game FAQ site on the Web)
         http://vgstrategies.miningco.com/ (Game FAQ site on the Web)

   If you obtained this file from any other place that is not listed here,
please contact me and tell me the place where you found it, so I can track down
who has got this file.

\_.»                                UPDATES                                «._/

   1.3 - This edition has had a missing bit of a cut scene added, plus a 
            cryptic ending part. Released 14/01/99
   1.2 - Levels 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 added. ASCII graphics improved yet again, plus
            some more added. First cut scene finally added. Released 08/01/99
   1.1 - Levels 2.7, 3.1, and 3.2 added. ASCII graphics improved. Spelling
            mistakes corrected. Released 06/01/99
   1.0 - First Version. Released 01/01/99

\_.»                             GAME CONTROLS                             «._/

Activates Password menu & Chants ... SELECT
Use Item ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A
Jump ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B
To Chant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... SELECT
To Jump Up . ... ... ... ... ... ... Press B once while standing still.
To Jump Left/Right . ... ... ... ... Press B while pressing LEFT/RIGHT.
To Sneak ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Hold Up and press LEFT/RIGHT.
To Crouch .. ... ... ... ... ... ... Press DOWN.
To Roll  ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Press LEFT/RIGHT while crouching.
To Pick Up Rock or Meat  ... ... ... Press DOWN while standing on rock/meat.
To Throw Rock or Meat (Normal) . ... Press A while standing.
To Throw Rock or Meat (Short) .. ... Press A while crouching.


Fart ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... RIGHT
Whistle High ... ... ... ... ... ... UP
Whistle Low  ... ... ... ... ... ... DOWN
Chant & Leave .. ... ... ... ... ... A
Just Leave . ... ... ... ... ... ... SELECT

\_.»                            THE CHARACTERS                             «._/

Sligs .. ... ... ... Gunned-up slugs in mechanical pants, with itchy trigger-
                     fingers and room temperature IQ's
Slogs .. ... ... ... They bark, eat live flesh, and are definitely not good 
                     with children, but they're a Slig's best friend. Their
                     favorite bone is in Abe's leg.
Paramites .. ... ... On their own, they're cute in a stomach-churning sort of
                     way, but put them in packs and they get vicious. Kind of
                     like children. Oh yeah... don't back one into a corner.
Native Mudokon . ... Whistle back at these guys.
Bees ... ... ... ... Run run run away.
Bats ... ... ... ... Look out! These fly around and get in your way.

\_.»                              WALKTHROUGH                              «._/
      :|                                                               |:
      :|                       <<< CUT SCENE >>>                       |:
      :|   I FELL DOWN A CLIFF AND SMASHED MY HEAD,                    |:
      :|                                                               |:
      :|   HE TOLD ME MY FATE WAS TO RESCUE THE REST.                  |:
      :|                                                               |:
      :|                                                               |:
      :|   AND FACING THESE CREATURES,                                 |:
      :|   THAT WAS MY TEST...                                         |:
      :|                          <<< END >>>                          |:
      :|                                                               |:

START -- -- -- -- -- CODE (*****)

   Walk right until you stand under the hanging bag. Jump up and make a piece 
of meat fall down. Pick up the meat and continue right to the next screen.
   You will there encounter two holes and a Paramite. Jump the first hole and
stand on the middle piece of ground. Throw the piece of meat at the Paramite
and then  quickly jump over and run to the next screen.
   On the next screen there is another Paramite, so you will have to jump up to
the walkway above. Jump over the hole in the walkway and pull the Lever. This
will send down an elevator. Get on it and pull yourself up to the next screen.
   When you get to the top you will be next to a sleeping Slog. Sneak to the
right and into the next screen.
   Here there is another sleeping Slog. Sneak a little bit but not to far, just
until you are right on top of the slog. Crouch down and then roll right (when
you start rolling it will awaken the slog and it will start running after you.)
and keep on rolling right until you disappear.
   You will land on a walkway with a hanging meatbag and a Slig patrolling 
beneath you. Jump and get some meat from the meatbag. Then chant to possess the
Slig. Once you have control of the Slig, chant again to make his body explode.
Now that it is safe jump down and walk right to the edge of the screen. Before
going into the next screen jump right. This is the only way to make it over the
   This room has a pipe hole that you have to jump into, but first you need to
activate it by pulling a lever. So continue rolling right to the next screen.
   In front of you is a mine. Throw the piece of meat at the mine to blow it 
up. Then there are two holes in the ground that you have to jump over, but this 
time there is a stream of rocks falling down so you will have to time each 
jump. Once over go to the next room.
   Here there is the lever you were looking for and a set or chimes. You will
need the password to use the chimes. So activate the lever and go back to the
previous screen.
   Back here again! Ok jump the holes and luckily go through to the next
   Now the tube is active. Jump into it and it will send you up into the 
next screen. 
   You will land on a walkway. Go left and collect the password. Then go right
jumping over the hole in the walkway, and jump into the tube.
   You should show up back at the end. Chant to activate the chimes, using the
password you just obtained. And then enter the door.

      :|                                                               |:
      :|                       <<< CUT SCENE >>>                       |:
      :|   OUR TEMPLES HAVE GROWN DARK.                                |:
      :|                                                               |: 
      :|   ONLY WHEN ALL FLINTLOCKS ARE FIRED                          |:
      :|                          <<< END >>>                          |:
      :|                                                               |:
LEVEL 2- -- -- -- -- CODE (JCBCM)

   The first room you start in has four doors I will explain each level here.
The doors will be split into sections like #.1 and #.2 etc, with in brackets
next to it the door. 

LEVEL 2.1 (Left Bottom Door)

   You start in a room with two levels of walkways above. Climb up them and go
into the next screen.
   Here there is a meatbag attached to another walkway. Grab a piece of meat
and then climb up to the next screen.
   In this screen there is a large hole with a hanging walkway suspended over
it. Go right and into the next screen.
   Here you will find another hanging walkway with a Paramite below. Throw the
piece of meat at the Paramite, and climb up onto the walkway while it is 
eating. Up there goto the meatbag that is hanging and get another piece of meat
so that you can distract the paramite again. Then quickly get another piece of 
meat and go right into the next screen.
   Once there throw the piece of meat to distract Paramite and run over to the
pressure pad. Step on it (When you step on it the bolder will start rolling and
it will kill anything in it's path.) and run left in to the next screen.
   When you are in the next screen while running jump up and onto the hanging 
walkway, so that the boulder can kill the Paramite under the walkway. When it 
is gone, go left and into the next screen.
   Go left again over the hanging walkway and into the next screen.
   This screen will have a lever that when pulled will make a rock fall down.
This is needed later. So continue into the next screen.
   Here there is a waiting Paramite, the exit door and the chimes. When you
walk in the Paramite looks at you so what you need to do is lure it back into
the last screen.
   In this screen try to position it by moving towards and away from it so that
when you pull the lever the rock will drop onto it and kill it. When you have
done this then continue right.
   Go back over the walkway and onto the right side of the screen. Then climb
down onto the lower screen.
   Keep going down past this screen and into the next screen.
   You are now back at the start. Go left from here.
   This screen once had a hive of Bees, but thanks to the boulder the hive of 
bees has been dispersed. Now climb up onto the walkway and get the password
for the chimes. Now keep on going left.
   From here climb down and into the next screen.
   Keep on climbing down and into the next screen.
   On this screen you will find a meatbag and hole. Jump and get some meat 
from the bag. Then run over and jump to the walkway over the hole. When there
proceed left into the next screen.
   Here there is a Paramite pacing back and forth, guarding the lever to light
the Flintlock. There is also a hive of bees hovering above the lever. You will
have to time this right, or you will be dead. You have to throw the piece of 
meat to distract the Paramite, then jump down and quickly avoid the bees while
flicking the switch. When you flick the switch another Paramite will come down
from the roof and start to feast on the meat so hurry. Then go back and jump
up to the walkway before the Paramites finish their snack.
   Now everything is done and all you have to do is go back to the exit door
and chant at the chimes using the password then exit.

LEVEL 2.1 - -- -- -- CODE (JMBCC)

   Now you are back at the start of level 2.

LEVEL 2.2 (Right Bottom Door)

   The first screen has a walkway that you can't reach and a Paramite. Walk 
towards the Paramite and it will start to lead you. Keep on walking into the
next screen.
   Here you will see a Flintlock above you, this you access later. Keep 
following the Paramite.
   This screen has two walkways and a meatbag. Jump up at the meatbag and knock
a piece of meat down. This will distract the Paramite. Climb up the walkways 
and proceed upwards to the next screen.
   This screen has a Paramite on a walkway. Don't worry about it and just keep
on climbing up into the next screen.
   This next screen has a Paramite guarding a tube and a walkway above. Climb
up to the walkway above and proceed left into the next screen.
   This screen holds nothing yet (come back later to get this.) Keep on going
   On this screen there is a lever and a boulder. Flip the lever and start 
running right. Keep running past the next screen and into the one after that.
   Keep running and you will fall off, but you will catch the ledge of the
walkway below. The following boulder will squash the Paramite and the tube is
now free to be used. So climb back up and jump left over the hole and go into 
the next screen.
   Here get the password to the chimes and also get some meat from the meatbag.
   Now go back to the screen on your right, the one with the tube and enter it.
   You will now appear next to the Flintlock you saw earlier. Flick the switch
and proceed right.
   You are back at the start. Now goto the edge of the walkway and lower 
yourself down off the walkway. Once on the ground go left.
   Keep going left past this screen and the next.
   On this screen there are two Paramites. Throw that piece of meat and then
run up to the ledge on the left side and climb up. Chant to enter the password
for the chimes and then exit.

LEVEL 2.2 - -- -- -- CODE (JMCCB)

   Now you are back at the start of level 2.

LEVEL 2.3 (Left Top Door)

   You start off with a walkway to your right and a pressure pad on the level
below you. Go down to the bottom and go left into the next screen.
   Get the Paramites attention then run back into the first room, over the pad.
Keep running and the Paramite will be killed by a falling rock. Go back to the
screen on the right and get the password. Go back right into the first screen 
and then go right again into the next screen.
   Here is the exit door and the chimes. Keep going right.
   This next screen has a pressure pad which makes rocks fall from the roof.
You will have to crouch and roll under the low rock. Do this and goto the next
   In the next screen get the Paramites attention and go back to the screen
   Use the pressure pad to make rocks fall on the Paramite and kill it. When 
you have do this, go right into the previous room.
   When you flick the switch two Paramites come down from the roof. You have to
time you jump well to get away from these guys. After you jump run left.
   Keep running left until you come back to the chimes and the exit door. Chant
the password and then exit.

LEVEL 2.3 - -- -- -- CODE (JPCCD)

   Now you are back at the start of level 2.

LEVEL 2.4 (Right Top Door)

   You start in a room with two doors one of them shut. Go right into the next
   Here there are three holes with rocks falling into them. If that wasn't
hard enough, there is a bat flying around in a figure eight pattern. Watch the
bat to see where and when it is at it's peak, this is when you have to be on
that same place. All now you have to do is time your jumps and watch out for
the bat. After that go right into the next screen.
   This screen has the chimes and another bat. Again watch the pattern it flys,
and get past it and into the next screen.
   In this screen crouch down (If you don't do this the bat will get you when
you are on the edge of the screen.) This room has two bombs that you have to
disarm when they go 'off'. You have to do this while dodging the bat. When you
have do this, jump up onto the walkway above and go up into the next screen.
   On the next screen jump up to the next walkway and take a step to your 
right. Make a jump to the other walkway to your left from here. When there 
disarm the bombs and flick the Flintlock switch. Then goto the left edge and
jump left out of the screen.
   You will land on another walkway. This one has the password, plus a sleeping
slog. Sneak to the password get it and sneak back. Jump right at the edge into
the next screen.
   Climb back down into the next screen, then climb down missing the bat. Then
go left. On this screen with the chimes, stand on the right edge of the screen
and chant the password. Then continue left.
   You are now back at those annoying rocks with the bat. Make you way over to
the opposite side and into the next screen. From there exit.

LEVEL 2.4 - -- -- -- CODE (JTCCJ)

   Now you are back at the start of level 2. Go left into the next screen and
jump up to the walkway above the closed door. Goto the left top door.

LEVEL 2.5 (Left Top Door)

   The first room has a Paramite that wants you to follow, so don't follow it.
Jump up to the walkway above and go left into the next screen.
   There is another Paramite on the other side of a hole in the walkway. Drop
down that hole and flick the switch. Now roll under the log back right into the
screen you started in. Then jump back up onto the walkway and go right back 
into the screen with the switch. Get on the elevator and go up into the next
   This screen has the Flintlock and the switch guarded by two nasty mines. You
will need something to blow them up with first so keep going up into the next
   This next screen has a tube, but it's not active so you need not go here now
so keep on going up.
   Go right to the top. The is a Mudokon on a walkway left of the elevator, you
have to GAMESPEAK with him later. Jump up to get onto the walkway in the next 
screen above.
   Here there is a meatbag and another set of two mines guarding a switch. Jump
and get some meat. Then go back down to the elevator. Go back down to where the
Paramites where and throw a piece of meat to distract it, While it is eating go
get the password. This password is in GAMESPEAK so don't forget it. On my game
it was Hi-Hi-Lo-Lo-Fart. Go back up to the Mudokon and GAMESPEAK the password
to him. He will give you the ability to get rid of the mines by chanting. So go 
back down two screens and get rid of the mines and flick the Flintlock lever.
Then after that, go GAMESPEAK with him again to get another one, and go and get
rid of the ones up near the meatbag. Flick the lever. Go and get a piece of 
meat and then go back down the elevator and then to the tube. Now it is active
so jump into it.
   You will land up near the exit but two Paramites will fall from the roof, so
throw them the meat and climb up onto the walkway with the exit.

LEVEL 2.5 - -- -- -- CODE (STCCS)

   Now you are back at level 2.

LEVEL 2.6 (Right Top Door)

   Jump off the walkway to the left and the run back to the ledge and climb
back up. For some reason this attracts a Slig that is waiting in the next 
screen. Chant to possess him then kill the next Slig in the left screen.
After that kill the possessed Slig, then walk of to the left.
   Jump up to get a piece of meat from the meatbag, and the jump over to the
left side of the screen. Continue on into the next screen.
   ANOTHER!!! Yep another set of three holes with falling rocks and a bat.
Come on you should be a pro at this now. When past continue left into the next
   This next screen has a sleeping Slig, the password and the Flintlock lever
all in one, so you have to sneak over to the password get it the flick the 
lever, then sneak back to the right screen.
   Jump back over the holes missing both the rocks and the bat.
   Go back to where you started and go the far right of the screen. Crouch
down and the roll a little into the next screen.
   Throw the meat onto the mine to blow it up. Then go over chant the password
and exit.

LEVEL 2.6 - -- -- -- CODE (SBCCT)

   Now you are back at the start of level 2. All the Flintlocks are lit here,
so you have to go right into the next screen climb up into the screen above and
enter the big scary door...... 

LEVEL 2.7 (The Big Scary Door)

   Get on the elevator and go up to the next screen.
   When you hit as far as you can get on the elevator, two Paramite drop down 
onto walkways above you. You have to try and get up to the right walkway
without the second Paramite on the left, falling down. Run into the next
   The Paramite from the screen before that you chased is waiting there, so
jump it at the end and keep on running into the next screen.
   Run to under the ledge of the walkway above. Climb up and then climb into
the next screen.
   There is a sleeping Slog here. Sneak a step and climb up onto the walkway
above and then climb up into the next screen.
   Crouch and roll under the rock then quickly climb up then crouch down again
and roll to the edge from there jump left from the edge into the next screen.
   Quickly jump again over the hole to get away from the Paramite there. Climb 
up onto the ledge and proceed left into the next screen.
   Crouch down and roll following the Paramite into the next screen.
   The Paramite is waiting there on the edge. Wait for the other Paramite below
to go towards you then do a running jump over the Paramite onto the lower 
level. Then start running into the left screen.
   Keep running and do a running jump onto the top walkway where the tube is.
Jump into the tube to be shot off into the next screen.
   Here you have the tube you came out of and another right beside a meatbag.
Get a piece of meat then jump into the next tube.
   Throw the piece of meat to distract the Paramites and then enter the door.

      :|                                                               |:
      :|                       <<< CUT SCENE >>>                       |:
      :|                       PICTURE OF TEMPLE                       |:
      :|                          <<< END >>>                          |:
      :|                                                               |:
LEVEL 2.7 - -- -- -- CODE (TBFCQ)

LEVEL 3.1 (Inside the Temple)

   Quickly goto your left and climb up the rock ledges. Right to the top. Jump
into the tube and go into the next screen.
   Go the left side and jump up to the top of the rock ledge. Then leap over to
the ledge on the right. Then go into the next screen.
   There is a button infront of you that when you step on it s rock falls down
to the bottom level. Time this to kill one of the Paramites. Then go down to
the next level. Then fall down to the level with the remaining Paramite. This
will cause a piece of meat to fall from the meatbag. The Paramite will start to
eat the meat. So keep jumping to get another piece of meat. When you get a
piece goto the right side of the screen and wait for the Paramite to finish 
eating. When it is finished crouch down and throw the meat. Then when it is 
eating, go back up to the top and step on the button making a rock squash the
Paramite.  Then go back down and get another piece of meat. Get back up and go
into the next screen.
   When you get into the next screen run back quickly into the previous screen.
   Now when you get into this screen jump up onto the top platform. Throw a 
piece of meat down to distract the Paramite that came into the screen when you
went into the right screen. Now while it is eating go past it and into the next
   Wait at the right edge of the platform, for the Paramite to come back in.
When it does walk towards it and into the next screen. This will make the 
Paramite fall down and die. Now go back and jump over the hole and press the
button to stop the rocks falling. Then chant to possess the Slig and click the
button near him. Chant to kill him. Now go back left into the next screen.
   Keep going past this screen and into the next.
   Now your back at the tube. Jump over the hole and go left into the next 
   When you get there you will see a rock fall down from a holding on the roof.
Climb down into the next screen.
   Climb down to the bottom. The rock has landed on a hold that had bees in it
before but not now. Then climb up the left side of the screen and into the next
   Climb to the top and go left to finish.

LEVEL 3.1 - -- -- -- CODE (TBKCL)

LEVEL 3.2 (Still inside the Temple)

   Chant to possess the Slig, then chant to kill him. Climb up where he was,
then jump over to the ledge on your left. You will hang onto the side, so pull
yourself up. Climb up to the next platform. Stand on the edge facing right then
jump up into the next screen.
   Go over to the right and flick the switch to make the elevator come down,
but it will stop level to the platform above you. Drop down the hole into the 
previous screen and get a piece of meat then come back up. Go back over the
hole and do a running jump to grab the edge of the platform above. Climb up
step once over and jump onto the elevator. Goto the next platform then go left
into the next screen.
   Disarm the mine. Jump over the first hole and drop down the left hole into
the next screen.
   Your fall will be stopped by a tube blowing air. Climb down to the platform
just above the Paramite. Throw the piece of meat down to distract the Paramite.
Then jump down and get a rock from the rockbag then run over and jump into the
   Now your back at the start. Do that same this as before and go up and get 
the elevator to come down, but this time g up and into the top screen.
   Here when you get to the top, climb up and crouch down, then roll until your
one body width away from the mine. While you are still crouching throw the rock
onto the mine disarming it. Go through to door, exiting the stage.

LEVEL 3.2 - -- -- -- CODE (TBTCB)

LEVEL 3.3 (What? When are we going to get out of this Temple)

   From where you stand jump over to the platform then over again to the next.
Walk into the next screen.
   Possess the Slig then kill him. Jump over to where the slig was then enter
the next screen.
   Jump over to the middle platform on the bottom of the screen and stand on
the right edge. Now lower yourself down into the next screen.
   There are two Sligs here so quickly lower yourself to the bottom. This might
take a few times. When your at the bottom possess each Slig and kill them. 
There is a tube here but you can't enter it yet. Climb back up into the
previous screen.
   Climb up the ledges on the right side of the screen, and go right into the
next screen. 
   From where you stand take one step then jump up and into the next screen.
   Go right to the top and get some rocks from the rockbag. Then go back down.
   Now go left into the next screen.
   You are back here. Now jump over to the middle top platform and then to the
far left platform. Then enter the next screen.
   Ok there are two Paramites and a mine here. Instead of throwing a rock at
the mine go right to the edge of the platform and lower yourself down, but just
let yourself hang there. Now when the Paramites are facing away from you and
they are the furthest distance away from you drop down and then jump back up 
fully pulling yourself back up to a standing position. This will make the
Paramites hiss, but then they will start to walk around again, and hopefully
one will run into the mine. If this doesn't happen then try and try again until
it does happen. Now when it happens go right into the previous screen and wait
a few seconds. Then go back the remaining Paramite is now back walking where it
started. Now time a jump over it and run into the next screen on the left.
   The Paramite may or may not follow you, but when you get under the ledge
with the mine on it jump up and pull yourself upto that platform. Take one step
towards the mine and disarm it. Then jump upto the next platform and disarm
that mine. Stand on the left side of the mine facing right and jump up into the
next screen.
   Climb up to the top right platform and stand on the edge. Throw one rock
over to the group of mines disarming the first. Then jump over to the other
side. Step forward once and crouch down. Throw one rock to disarm the next 
mine. Roll forward one then back one then throw the last rock at the mine. Then
go and pull the lever. Now start your way back to the previous screen.
   The Paramite has gone but it is back in it's original place. So go right and
into the next screen.
   The Paramite will run for you then stop about halfway. Run towards it making
it run away and time a jump to make yourself hang off the ledge above it. Then
exit the screen.
   Get down to the middle lower platform then lower yourself down into the next
   Climb all the way down and jump into the tube finishing the level.

LEVEL 3.3 - -- -- -- CODE (TBTDC)

LEVEL 3.4 (Oh Godd! Not in the Temple again....)

   Once you pop out of the pipe a Paramite climbs down from the roof. Wait
until it is as far away as possible and drop down. You should land on a button
that makes rocks fall from the roof every second or so. Time it and force the 
Paramite under on of the falling rocks by moving towards/away from it. Once it
is dead go into the next screen.
   Another Paramite falls down here. It is the same drill as before, so just do
it and go into the next screen.
   Chant and kill the Slig. (DO THIS!) Then climb up to the top platform and
take a running jump to your left. Jump in the tube twice and then stand on the
left side of the tube and jump up once. Then climb back up to the top platform
and stand on the left edge and jump up into the next screen.
   There are two sleeping Sligs here. Pull yourself up and then jump up to the
next ledge and hang there. Wait until the top Slig turns his back on you and
climb up. Run past him and you will hit the wall. Wait until he stops firing 
at the other wall, and when he turns around run and jump to the top platform.
Climb up and get out of the way of the Sligs. (Now for some reason doing all
that stuff before stops a Paramite from falling down here, so if you don't do
it then you will have to contend with a Paramite). Since there is no Paramite 
here chant and kill each Slig. Then crouch down and roll left into the next
   Roll right off the edge and land on the right side of the platform below.
Quickly jump to the right platform. When there get the password and go into the
next screen.
   Where you stand jump right knocking some meat from the meatbag. You will
fall into the next screen.
   Your fall is broken by wind out of the tube. Get the meat (3 pieces) and
climb back up to the top screen.
   Get to the top and crouch down. Roll left until you are once body width
from the left edge of the screen. Throw one piece of meat and wait until a 
Paramite starts to eat it. Then go into the next screen.
   Go to the edge of the platform but make sure you are one body width from
the edge. Throw another piece of meat left to the Paramite under you. When it
is eating roll down to that platform then jump over to the left platform and go
to the next screen.
   Go one body width from the edge and throw the last piece of meat down to
the Paramite. While it is eating jump in the tube and goto the next screen.
   Chant the password to the chimes and exit the stage through the door.

LEVEL 3.4 - -- -- -- CODE (TBTGF)

LEVEL 3.5 (Not another freakin Temple level again!)

   This screen has nothing in it walk left into the next screen.
   Ok this screen has two sleeping Sligs in it so you have to Sneak right to
the edge of the platform then jump left and go down into the next screen.
   And fall into the next screen.
   And plummet into the next screen.
   Then scream like you have never screamed before while diving into the next
   Until you hit the ground and die. WHAT! A air blowing tube broke you fall, 
damn that was fun I wanted to do it again. Set three times to the left. Face
right and jump up into the next screen.
   Climb the three platforms. When you are at the top face left and jump up
into the next screen.
   Here jump up and get some meat from the meatbag. Then start to climb back
down to the tube that broke your fall. Jump back in it and become a Mudokon
   Dont touch a thing while you are flying up and you will land on the right
platform in the middle. Run off to the right and fall down into the next
   And fall into the next screen... hehehe...
   Oh damn another air blowing tube... grrrr... Walk right off the edge and
into the next screen.
   Climb down and flick the switch. Face left and jump left and into the next
   Yes you fall down and onto another air blowing tube. Walk over to underneath
the edge of the platform with the Slog on it. Jump up and hang there, then pull
yourself up throw the meat and climb back down. The Slog will bark run, and
when it can't see you, it will eat the meat. While it is doing this run and
jump into the tube going to the next screen.
   You will be sent screens into the sky and arrive on a platform with a
bigface standing near you.
      :|                                                               |:
      :|                       <<< CUT SCENE >>>                       |:
      :|             MUDOKON'S WITH THEIR HANDS IN THE AIR             |:
      :|                                                               |:
      :|                 <<< CREDIT'S START TO ROLL >>>                |:
      :|                          <<< END >>>                          |:
      :|                                                               |:
NOTE: First person to tell me (if I don't get there first) what happens at the
      end when you don't use any passwords will get there reply posted on this
      FAQ with full credits.
   Ok, whe I next tried to finish the game in one go I got to the and it said
'OOPS! YOU MISED 032 TIMES'. Now I know I did die alot that time, all because
of that stupid Paramite Temple. So I wonder what you have to get I will now try
   The next time I tried (about 5 minutes after the first attempt) I came out
will the say thing but my deaths were lower, seriously lower '008'. It is now
looking like you need to finish the game without one death (Oh GREAT! That's
all I need, and I thought it was all over).
          _____    _   _    _____             _____    ____    ____ 
         |_   _|  | | | |  |  ___|           |  ___|  |  _ °. |  _ °.
           | |    | |_| |  | |___            | |___   | | | | | | | |
           | |    |  _  |  |  ___|           |  ___|  | | | | | | | |
           | |    | | | |  | |___            | |___   | | | | | |_| |
           |_|    |_| |_|  |_____|           |_____|  |_| |_| |____.°

\_.»                         CONTACTING THE AUTHOR                         «._/

   Any type of feedback (other than abusive) is welcomed. Although I can't
promise that I will reply to every email I get I will try to. Any email that
asks for specific help will not be read. All that I know about the stages in
this game I have put here. If you are writing to me please put in the topic in
caps 'ODDWORLD FAQ REPLY:' then what ever topic you want after it. This 
will help me moderate what mail is coming in from where. You can contact me at
this address: - oddity@lis.net.au

   Anyone found abusing me will be automatically put onto a SPAM list that will
be sent for NO profit to many spam outfits across the net. Yes I hate SPAM, but
this is the only way to deal with people who just email me to abuse me. 
Thank you for reading this FAQ.

\_.»                         CREDITS AND THANKYOUS                         «._/

ARGÖNAUT (a.k.a Scott A. Moss) for writing this FAQ.

SAFFIRE for creating this game for the GAMEBOY.
ODDWORLD INHABITANTS for creating Abe and his puzzling world that makes us 
   really, really mad when we are stuck.
GT INTERACTIVE for distributing the game.

MY GAMEBOY COLOR for just being there. I don't know what I would do without it.
   Yes I do, I wouldn't be playing this magnificent game, thank you. 
AEON for buying me this game for the public holiday where many presents are
   exchanged, for some unknown reason.

This File was coded in PEDIT (by Paul Brand) and re-edited in Notepad.

                                                        COPYRIGHT ARGÖNAUT 1999