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Sid Meier's Colonization
Your Guide to Cheating at Colonization
ver 1.0 (6-2-99)

by Dan Simpson (manymoose@hotmail.com)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N  O  T  E  S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I've known about these cheats almost as long as the game has been out.  Yet when
I looked around the internet for them, I was unable to get all but the basics.
So here it is, the best Cheat Guide there is (that I know about anyway) for
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cheat Method #1, In Game Cheat:

Press the following to activate the Cheat Mode:
  ALT- W I N
  That is, press and hold ALT, then press W, I, and N.  (They don't need to be
Press the following to De-activate the Cheat Mode:

Commands at the Colony Screen:

  ! - Build all Buildings in colony (don't be concerned when your Town Hall
      seemingly vanishes, it's still there!)
  $ - Get $1000
  % (when a cargo is selected) - get 100 of the cargo
  @ - Does some really weird things to your Town Hall (makes it vanish!)
  S (when colonist selected) - become expert at what you are currently doing
    Note: If you put a colonist on a schoolhouse/college/university and press
          'S' he will become an Expert Teacher, something which was removed from
          the game!  By the way... if you take him off of the college and try to
          put him back on you won't be able to... he has no skills!
  T - Create new colonist
    Warning: Don't create more than 31 in a colony, as that causes the game to
          hang indefinately!
  SPACE - the colony will reap the benefits of a whole turn, without any time
          passing at all!

At Map Screen:

  For any of the following F keys to work, you must use SHIFT, like SHIFT F12.

  F1 - Create Colonist
       You can create:
         Wagon Train
         Ship -------------------------  Caravel
         Indian Braves                   Merchantman
         Indian Armed Braves             Galleon
         Indian Horse                    Privateer
         Indian Armed Horse              Frigate
         Foreign Unit                    Man-O-War
     When you declare independence, in place of the Indian Units are:
         Cont. Militia
         Cont. Cavalry
         Tory Militia
         Tory Cavalry
  F2 - Debug Info Flags
       This shows you some other neat information on the map screen, like the
       amount that any tribe hates you.
  F4 - Reveal Map
       Choose which map you want to see.  To go back to the normal map, select
       "No Special View"
  F5 - Set Human Player
  F6 - Kill Indians
  F7 - Advance Revolution Status
       First time you do this, the War of Spanish Succession ends, and one 
       country leaves the new world, do it again and you declare independence!
  F8 - Show Strategy
  F9 - Show Colony Sites
       Shows where it would be good to build colonies.  The higher the number, 
       the better!
  F10  Test Routine

Other Map Cheats in the Cheat Menu:

  Sound Test
  Memory Check

Other Map Cheats not mentioned in the Cheat Menu:

  Disbanding Anything:
    - Do the view thing (press 'V') so that the flashing box appears.
    - Put that box over the thing that you wish to destroy
    - Press SHIFT-D, and it is gone!
    When disbanding a colony, you must disband all the units guarding it, or who
    are just outside of it first.  You can disband ANYthing, including native
    villages, and towns.

Cheat Method #2, Edit Game from Without:

The second method involves some monkeying around in text files.  If you are 
going to edit any/all of these, you really should back up these files first.
The following is a list of all the text files in the COLONIZE Directory, and a 
brief description of what is inside:

  closing.txt   -- contains info on the closing animation
  colony.txt    -- has the names of all the colonies for the 4 nations
  debug.txt     -- contains MOTD plus the menu information for the cheat menu
  game.txt      -- containts all the messages plus the menus as well
  labels.txt    -- has the labels of the game, which is pretty much every word
                   used by the game!
  menu.txt      -- containts nothing but game menus
  names.txt     -- discussed in depth below...
  opening.txt   -- has the opening information, what it says and how it animates
  pedia.txt     -- has ALL the Encyclopedia information
  tribe.txt     -- only used on America maps, for historical purposes
  woodcut.txt   -- has the Picture Messages (Creating a Colony...)

* - nothing editable here

The names.txt has the best information in that it effects what you want it to
effect, the land, units, etc.  Editing it isn't so hard, merely look for what
you want to change (terrain, units) and look at its "Key" which is usually
above the information.  Here is a small sample:

; Buildings in Colonies
;       name, cost, tools(*10), size, min_colony, upkeep
;       (Cost guidelines: If <= 52, should be divisible by 13.  Otherwise,
;        should be divisible by 8).
Stockade,            64,     0, 3, 3, 0
 -- from names.txt

The key tells you what corresponds to what.  In this case name=Stockade,
cost=64, etc.  To change the cost to say... 13, you would replace the 64 with a
13.  If there is a note like "Cost guidelines" be sure to follow it!  If you
changed it and saved it, the next time you play, a stockade will cost only 13
hammer units rather than 64!  Cool!

Some information is from the Colonization Code page at GameSages:

ASCII Art created using SigZag by James Dill:   (freeware!)

Shameless Self Promotion:
  I have also written faq's for:
    NES:   The Legend of Zelda
           Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
    SNES:  Utopia: Creation of a Nation
    PC:    Ultima 4
           Ultima 7
           Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle
           Ultima Underworld (keyboard commands)
           Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands
           Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
           Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide
  All can be found at:

Questions?  Comments?  Mistakes?  Email me about it!  manymoose@hotmail.com

Original Version (6-2-99, 7k)

Copyright 1999 by Dan Simpson